Author Rights

Author rights

  • Retain patent and trademark rights
  • Retain the rights to use their research data freely without any restriction
  • Receive proper attribution for their published work
  • Re-use their own material in new works without permission or payment (with full acknowledgement of the original article):
    • Extend an article to book-length
    • Include an article in a subsequent compilation of their own work
    • Re-use portions, excerpts, and their own figures or tables in other works.
  • Use and share their works for scholarly purposes (with full acknowledgement of the original article):
    • In their own classroom teaching. Electronic and physical distribution of copies is permitted
    • If an author is speaking at a conference, they can present the article and distribute copies to the attendees
    • Distribute the article, including by email, to their students and to research colleagues who they know for their personal use
    • Share and publicize the article via Share Links, which offers 50 days free access for anyone, without signup or registration
    • Include in a thesis or dissertation (provided this is not published commercially)
    • Share copies of their article privately as part of an invitation-only workgroup on commercial sites with which the publisher has a hosting agreement.
  • Publicly share the preprint on any website or repository at any time.
  • Publicly share the accepted manuscript on non-commercial sites
  • Publicly share the final published article
  • Retain copyright